Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Hill News Senior Say Goodbye


Drew Watson (Opinons Editor):
What is my favorite secret spot on campus? It has to be the futon in the Hill News Office. My favorite Dana creation? It’s easy. Take the wontons out of the wonton soup, like a lot of them. Put them in a bowl and douse with hot sauce and soy sauce. Additionally, place said wonton between two chicken tenders for a SLU double down. Regrets? I for sure should have swallowed my pride and groveled more for better grades.

Jack Lyons (Digital Editor):
Favorite Bathroom? KSLU (quiet and clean).
Favorite Dana creation? Stir fry with just the right amount of sauce. Sauce is key.
Ticker or Java? Definitely Java.

Jonathan Ten Eyck (Digital Editor):
Advice for underclassmen? Find groups you’re passionate about on campus and invest time in them. Don’t let yourself become consumed by one thing or too busy to focus on anything.
Favorite Bathroom? Second Floor Madill, very well maintained.
Best memory at SLU? Playing Frisbee on the Quad on a beautiful Thursday with the weekend in front of me. Proudest moment at SLU?
Knowing I am graduating.

Amanda Brooks (Editor-At-Large):
Proudest SLU moment? Handing in my 50 page honors thesis on New Zealand’s conservation history last week. It only took a year and maybe 400 cups of coffee.

Caroline Seelen (Managing Editor):
Describe your proudest St. Lawrence experience/accomplishment? By far, being a part of THN has been my proudest experience. I have loved every minute of writing, editing, learning, and growing with this talented, passionate, and wild AF staff.
Any regrets? I only regret what I don’t remember. And taking geology freshman fall.

Katie Pierce (Arts & Entertainment Editor):
Ticker or Java? Ticker all the way. In my four years, I have never been able to perfect the Java bob, only the snack eating, but I can turn up at the Ticker like a champ.

Louie Freda (Sports Editor):
What is your favorite bathroom? Any bathroom nearby when Dana hits.
Weirdest place you’ve hooked up on campus?
NA, I’m celibate.

Olivia White (Editor-In-Chief):
My favorite place to escape to around campus? The Saddlemire Trail and Kip Tract make for a very zen run. My go-to pub order? Egg white omelet with muenster cheese, spinach, tomato, and mushroom.
Quintessential SLU thing: My pretentious preference for egg whites and relentless liberal idealism.

Sydney Fallone (Managing Editor):
Any advice for underclassmen?
Your four years will go by faster than you can imagine. Spend time with those who are most important to you; take advantage of every opportunity and experience SLU has to offer; and say yes to any adventure. Describe your proudest St. Lawrence accomplishment?
Finishing my 70-page government honors thesis. S/O to Professor Draper for providing wonderful guidance and keeping me sane throughout the process.
Ticker or Java?
I’m 60 percent ticker and 40 percent java.

Emery Younger (News Editor):
Most embarrassing moment at SLU? Having my self-portrait plastered on every staircase of the student center…thanks THN Squad.
Biggest risk you’ve ever taken at SLU? Applying to study abroad in Kenya on a whim, and having it be one of the most transformative experiences at SLU. Asante sana rafikis.

Brenda Winn (News Editor):
Advice for underclassmen? In the midst of the stress, sleepless nights, and final exams, remember to take in the little, subtle moments that are the essence of what makes SLU, SLU. Open yourself to learn, to hear other people’s opinions, and think in new ways. Stand up for what you believe in, whether everyone is on your side or it is you against the world. THN has taught me that I have a voice, and it has let me use it for four years.

Annie Wilcox (Features Editor):
I’m proud of how ready I feel to graduate. Four years ago, I couldn’t imagine getting to this point. But, I’ve had great opportunities to learn and grow at SLU. I’m so proud of my academic accomplishments, but more importantly, I’ve learned to take care of myself and embrace personal growth and change. Despite all of this, I’ll miss the Ticker and its debauchery. It’s always bittersweet to leave St. Lawrence.

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