Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

The Hill News Sits Down With 30: Who is SLU’s Rising Star?


From my seat on the second floor of the student center, it’s hard to believe that my friendly classmate sitting across from me is also a rising star with three million total listens on Spotify. 30’s music is quickly catching the ears of people in several countries, and he already has over 120,000 monthy listeners. When he’s not performing in Boston, Los Angeles or Chicago, he’s splitting his time between homework, friends and going out to SLU parties. 

For the most part, 30 has to focus hard on writing and releasing new music. “The next six months are going to be telling of whether or not I’ll end up 10 times more successful than I am right now,” says 30. That’s why he works hard on creating new content, with phrases and melodies to match the beats his producers send. 

30 started his journey into the music industry when he began writing poetry at 10 years old. After that, he wrote and recorded rap modeled after his idols Kid Cudi, Kanye and Drake in his home studio. “ I learned about what was cool from my older sisters listening to the top 40,” 30 mused. Even though he’s been performing for years, it wasn’t until he reached out to his producer Kato that his career really started to pick up.

30 attributes a lot of his success to the support he has recieved from his producers and his friends and family back home.  “I couldn’t name any one person as my main support,” he said. “but my mom has always been 100 percent behind me, she goes to every show.” For his first hometown show in Berkshire County, the venue was completely sold out. “ Everyone came out to support me, it meant a lot.”

He said his friends at school have also been very supportive, naming his friend Sean Macormac ’22 in particular. “Sean and I grew up in the same town,” he said. “ He’s always made an effort to be there.” 

Another friend, Tyler Grochot ’22 has been using his networking skills to get 30 more performance opportunities. “He’s incredible at networking,” said 30. “He’s been doing a lot of managerial-type work, and he recently got me a big phone call.” 

Student videographer Owen Hammel ’22 created a video with 30 as part of a film project ealier this year. His film focused on the man behind the music, with multiple personal interviews with 30. “ It was a lot of fun to be able to work with a musician with such great content,” Hammel said. 

30’s newest song “Is She Really Gone?” featuring Mod Sun drops on Feb. 14, 2020.

According to Hammel, who got an exclusive listen to the song, it’s going to be a big hit. “It’s easy to be someone who does music and thinks they’re really talented and they’re not,” he said, “but 30 really is talented.” 

So what happens when 30 does rise to fame?  He said, “ My parents obviously want me to stay in school if possible, but if it’s too much they’ll understand.” Regardless of where he ends up, his true passion is for the music industry. “If being 30 doesn’t work out, I would stay in songwriting.”

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