Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Arts Collaborative Grant Offers Opportunity


In a school ripe with academic opportunities, it is easy for St. Lawrence students to miss out on some of the best ones. For instance, many students don’t know about the Arts Collaborative Grant that offers up to 12,000 dollars for students and faculty to pursue projects that incorporate the arts into coursework and the community.

Broadly defined, arts projects can include everything from interpretive dance to photography. The committee is currently looking for unique proposals that are interdisciplinary and involve a presentation or performance in the community. Students may submit proposals, but they will need a faculty advisor. 

Arts and Collaborative Committee Chair Evelyn Jennings says that recent proposals have mostly been submitted by faculty. “It’s a shame that more students don’t take advantage of this oppertunity” she says.

Students are often concerned that their ideas are not elaborate enough. “ There is no project too small,” says Jennings. She suggests that if you have an idea but are unsure how to get your project started, feel free to speak to a faculty advisor or see her in her office in Vilas 103. 

 Recent proposals have involved bringing other artists to campus for workshops and performances, as well as unique exhibitions for the entire campus to enjoy. Jennings says that the most successful proposals involve more than one academic discipline or some kind of social commentary. For example, two students recently produced a photography exhibit that models mental health on college campuses.

For more information on the grant requirements, visit the Art Collaborative page on the St. Lawrence University website. 

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