Career Corner: Shift Your Career Prep Into a New Gear with Saints Accelerate!
Course registration for the Spring 2025 semester starts next week! While you’re probably already thinking about what courses you’d like to take, you may not have already solidified your plan for the Winter Break February 13-14.
The Center for Career Excellence, however, is already in the planning stages for our Saints Accelerate program, and we encourage you to use the break to take the opportunity to explore career paths and connect with alumni, all right here on campus!
Saints Accelerate is an interactive on-campus program for sophomores, juniors, and seniors that offers fun and engaging hands-on sessions with alumni. The program takes place Thursday and Friday, February 13-14.
Saints Accelerate is designed to help you:
Build your career narrative and learn to effectively articulate the interests, values, and skills connected to your St. Lawrence experience.
Strengthen networking abilities and cultivate social capital through new connections.
Discover/enhance your understanding of career paths and opportunities.
Practice skills and competencies to become career ready.
The program includes sessions with CCE staff and alumni, and there will be several opportunities for you to speak with and learn from alumni working in a variety of fields.
Sessions with alumni include:
•Student/Alumni Welcome Dinner with SLU Trivia Student/Alumni Welcome Dinner with SLU Trivia
•Small Group Mentoring Conversations Small Group Mentoring Conversations
•Analyzing and Addressing Real-World Problems Analyzing and Addressing Real-World Problems
•Small Group Mock Interviews Small Group Mock Interviews
•Escape Room Networking Competition Escape Room Networking Competition
Wondering if Saints Accelerate is worth your time over Winter Break? We asked students who participated in the program last year if they would recommend participation in this program to other students, and 100% of respondents said “yes!”
Here’s some detailed feedback we got from students who participated in the event last year:
“I feel close to the alumni I met and am inspired by their advice and unique career paths. Before I had an idea as to how to advance my goals, but now I know what tools to use to achieve them.”
“People know networking is important, but no one knows how. Practicing with the alumni at the end was one of the best parts of this event.”
“Overall, the event was a really great experience; I would sign up for it again and encourage my friends’ participation too.”
Have you piqued your interest? Scan the QR Code to learn more about Saints Accelerate, and click on the “Register” button to fill out a survey to complete your registration.
This event has a cap of 40 students; once we reach the This event has a cap of 40 students; once we reach the cap, additional students will be placed on a waitlist. The cap, additional students will be placed on a waitlist. The registration window will close on Sunday, November 24 at registration window will close on Sunday, November 24 at 11:59 p.m. 11:59 p.m.
If you have any questions about the program, stop by during our drop-in hours! A career coach will be available to meet with you from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. on Monday-Thursday, or during the same time period at the Time Out Café in Newell on Fridays. Don’t delay, save your spot and register today!