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Happy Daze: How To Support Activists and Prevent Burnout
It is no surprise that current global events have come to the forefront of many discussions among students and faculty as we see a rise in activism and protests on campus. It can sometimes be hard to know how to support our friends,!-->…
Intentional Wellness: What is “Savoring” And How To Do It
Do you ever feel as though you aren’t genuinely immersed in a moment? You may think back on an experience and feel as if you didn’t appreciate what you felt at that time: the joy or serenity of being surrounded by people or things you!-->…
“Greene” Spaces and Your Health
With today's increasingly digital and industrial environment, it's important to connect with nature. Fortunately, students here at St. Lawrence University are surrounded by abundant outdoor spaces and resources. The importance of these!-->…
SLU’s Salty and Slippery Slope
On a fateful Monday morning last February, I was walking out of my dorm to go to my first class, which was French 102. I hadn’t checked the weather that morning nor was I awake enough to presume that the walkways would be completely iced!-->…
Letter to the Editor: New Climate Community Outreach Program
To the St. Lawrence Community:
St. Lawrence University has partnered with the AmeriCorps Campus Compact Climate Action Corps Project to host a Climate Action Leader on campus. My name is Evelyn, and as the Climate Action Leader, I!-->!-->!-->…
Intentional Wellness: How Blue Light Affects Your Everyday Life
It’s 1:00 a.m. You’re laying in bed, finishing your routine, scrolling through TikTok or Instagram as your eyes begin to close. At last, it’s time to give your body what it deserves: a good night’s rest. But how good is this rest really!-->…
Consumed: Our Society’s Obsession With Waste
The United States culturally endorses, markets and sexualizes consumption as a concept. On its face, capitalism boasts mass-produced efficiency as the solution for the world’s needs. However, consumers are often deeply disconnected from!-->…
The Myth of Peace on Earth
While many face the season of “peace on earth” aghast at recent global events, it’s hard not to wonder why we humans still can’t manage to connect the dots when it comes to the violence on the world stage, and the violence we ourselves!-->…