Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
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Dear Dub: Are You a Feminist?

Are You a Feminist? ....Perhaps "why" or "why not" is the real question everyone should be asking of themselves. It is understandable that identifying with a group or a movement is impossible if one does not know the history and

Intentional Wellness: Power of Words

Throughout life, we have been exposed to numerous words that can have an impact on us. According to Newsroom, the average person is exposed to 100,000 words per day, which includes what we read and hear. Therefore, the power of words can

Clarification for “Colonial Reckoning”

This past weekend, I came across statements calling my last article "bullshit," "biased and problematic," and "disgusting." I was shocked and upset to learn that students were so distressed by my writing. I never meant to cause anyone

Intentional Wellness: Make Your Bed Today

Do you struggle to make it to your first class of the day? Are you running out of time in the mornings, skipping essentials like breakfast or a morning shower? How would you feel if someone told you that simply taking (at most) three
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