Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
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What are SLU Pets Doing?

What They Are up to Without Us Around One of the worst parts about leaving home for college is deserting your beloved pets. No more cuddles before bed, playing tug of war, or secretly feeding them under the table. Students must leave

SLU Parents’ Facebook Page

Although the group has been around for less than five years, the Unofficial St. Lawrence University Parents’ Facebook Page has already become a valuable resource for SLU parents and an embodiment of Laurentian community values. The

A Nightmare on Elm St, Potsdam NY

One of the most iconic horror films of the 1980s, “A Nightmare on Elm Street,” has historical ties to the area, unbeknownst to many. The director of the film, Wes Craven, used to teach down the road. He was a humanities professor at

 The Books of Herring Cole 

Exploring Its Secrets and History Tucked away in the trees on the corner of campus stands a building that is not only one of St. Lawrence’s most beautiful, but also one of its most historical. Next to Owen D. Young Library is much
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