Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
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Arts & Entertainment

“Circle” Is Circling the Drain

“Circle” is easily one of the most pretentious films I’ve seen in some time. The film starts by throwing the audience into a black room that slowly lights up revealing the set that looks like it was put together by a college production.…

Spring Awakening

Spring Awakening, the newest production by SLU's University Theatre, is a musical that depicts depression, domestic violence, suicide and sexual taboos. Despite being written in the 1890s, its messages are still extremely prevalent in our…

At the Brush Gallery: Josh McPhee

“Armed with the knowledge of our past, we can charter a course for our future. Only by knowing where we’ve been can we know where we are and look to where we want to go.” – Malcolm X. This quote sparked the Just Seeds project, Celebrate…

“As Above, So Below,” But Really In-Between

“As Above, So Below” is a child of the 2000’s found footage horror genre that became a thing after “The Blair Witch Project”—the latter, a far superior film. This modern take on the genre follows Perdita Weeks as Scarlett Marlowe as she…
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