Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
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Arts & Entertainment

Thanksgiving Break on Campus

Over the Thanksgiving break, while the majority of students left campus, around 150 students. They stayed for a variety of reasons, including high travel costs, ongoing competitions for student-athletes, and different home

SLU’s First Public Speaking Contest

St. Lawrence University will hold a public speaking contest on Nov. 30, giving students the opportunity to showcase their verbal communication skills and a chance at cash prizes. The registration is open for the first 40 students who enter

SLU Writers Series: Daphne Kalotay

“I think that when you love something, you just find a way to do it,” said Daphne Kalotay, an award-winning author who visited St. Lawrence University. After graduating college with a degree in psychology, Kalotay realized what she wanted

Java Review: Who? No. What? Yes.

What? burst onto the Java stage for the third consecutive week in a row of blaring horns, bountiful vocal harmonies and crowd-pleasing conga lines. The crowd was indeed pleased, dressed up in a SLU slew of outlandish costumes, characters

Cuts at SUNY Potsdam Perturb Professors

SUNY Potsdam is cutting funding for 14 academic programs within the next few years in order to decrease its yearly $9-million-deficit gap, according to University President Suzanne Smith. To the surprise of many, SUNY

Film Review: “X” Marks the Spot

It's been over a year since Ti West's "X" was released, and I'm still pissed I didn't see it in a theatre. I wanted to, but I had no one to go with, and this isn't exactly a movie you want to be spotted excitedly seeing by yourself,
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