Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Theme House Corner: The LIGHT House

HEY! What does LIGHT stand for? Loners Inside Grassy Holes Tightly? Lingering In Grand Helium Tranquility? Loafs’ Insight Going Hectically Tragic? Lint In Gross Honey Tramps? Although all of these acronyms would be stellar band names,…

Theme House Corner: L.I.G.H.T. House

What does LIGHT stand for, you may ask? Limp Infected Grotesque Homicidal Twinkie? Lint Infused Heartless Greasy Trinket?  Loudly Implying Groovy Hippo Treason? Lusting Italian Goat Herbal Tentacle? Although all of these acronyms would…
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