Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

I Mustache You a Question…

By ABAGAEL GILES COLUMNIST As the weather cools and the last of the leaves begin to drop, gray skies abound. This October was sultry and stormy, full of rainy days and blustery, cold weather. Now that November is here, you may naturally…

The Butterscotch Rocktail

By REBECCA DOSER COLUMNIST Ingredients: -1/3 oz. Bailey’s Irish Crème -¼ oz. vodka -¼ oz. Butterscotch Schnapps -¼ oz. Kahlua Instructions: Combine all ingredients and pour over a handful of ice. It’s like a butter-finger on the…

This Fall at the Sustainability Semester

By MYLES TRAINER STAFF WRITER We have done so much this fall at the sustainability site, everything from timber framing to harvesting to food preparation. Shouldn’t a liberal arts institution be similar to working on a diversified farm…

What Really Happens in Thelmo

By Madeline Tiede STAFF WRITER “Attend a Thelmo meeting” was on my SLU Bucket-List until this past Wednesday of my senior year, when I finally decided to cross it off. The hour-long meeting that I sat in on was eye-opening. Thelmo is…

Better Late than…Naked

By Rebecca Doser FEATURES EDITOR Well, if you are reading this thinking, “Woah, it’s Halloween already? What on earth am I going to be,” then this is your lucky day, my friend. Here are 8 DIY Halloween Costumes that I can assure all…

Effective Multitasking is an Oxymoron

By Rebecca Doser FEATURES EDITOR Multitasking gives us a feeling of instant gratification. You have an urge to text someone, you grab your phone. A website ad comes up, you click on it. You want to listen to music while studying, you…

Journalism’s New Clothes

By Rebecca Doser FEATURES EDITOR “It’s about the most fun work other than maybe…being Beyoncé!” NCPR station manager Ellen Rocco declares her passion for working in the journalism industry during a debate on the current state of…
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