Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

SLU Carries That Weight

Students across campus balanced mattresses on their heads and held pillows, pillows pets, and signs under their arms in an effort to bring awareness to sexual assault on college campuses on Wednesday. Over fifty SLU students,…

Secret Mantra at Bush Gallery

By Sam Weber Staff Writer Flowing, purple silk robes emblazoned with bold calligraphy swayed in the brisk October breeze as a seemingly nondescript Vietnamese man scuttled about painting vast gestural characters in black ink on a large…

Featured Artist: Leah Ruggierio

Hanna Hamblen Columnist In two weeks’ time The Acting Machine, a play written by Elmer Rice in the 1920s, will be performed at the Gulick Theater. I asked Leah Ruggierioto tell me a little bit about herself and the upcoming performance.…

This Season’s Ticker Style Guide

By Maeve Walsh Columnist The Ticker has once again opened its doors; while some SLU students look forward to celebrating on the infamous checkered dance floor, others have begun to dread the long, freezing cold walk to and…

Now on Netflix

By Kaden Weaver Staff Writer 2. House of Cards Kevin Spacey plus David Fincher equals crazy delicious. What more do I need to say? Spacey, the actor from Se7en, The Usual Suspects, and American Beauty teams up with the director that…

Live From Spain: Artist Abroad

Torey Paternaude Staff Writer In Spain, we have the opportunity to view original masterpieces and understand the artists we study as ordinary people. It is amazing to be able to trace Spanish movements to artists in the United States.…

Cabbage Had Me Like….

Jacqui Colt Columnist This is probably a recurring theme in this column, but have you ever noticed that a lot of food from the CSA (community supported agriculture) is just…a LOT bigger than what you get from the grocery store?  I’m…
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