Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

No Spitting: Life!

Earlier this year, I wrote a fun little article about death .  Now I am writing an article about life.  Isn’t that nifty?  I really just wanted to showcase my liberal arts education the best way I could and what’s more liberal arts…

No Spitting: Humor & Tolerance

Humor is awesome. I truly believe that humor is the most powerful force on this planet (after, of course, Mr. Rance Davis). Well-placed and well-crafted humor produces laughter as well as snorting sounds that can either be adorable…

No Spitting: Racism

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, which was on Monday the 19th, I am writing in this humor/advice column about a very serious topic: racism. Tread carefully, Matys. I know what many of you are thinking: “Come on Luke, we…

No Spitting: DEATH

I was walking to the Student Center last Monday for breakfast and I got to thinking about stuff, but not the more mundane stuff like academics, extracurriculars, deadlines, friends, songs, SEXUAL INTERCOURSE (or the lack of such),…

No Spitting: Thanksgiving and America

Nothing reminds me that I live in the United States and that I am an American citizen like going home for a national holiday like Thanksgiving. It is filled with delightfully delicious (and seemingly endless) food shared with…

No Spitting: Pressure

“Pressure, pressure, I’ve got pressure” is a line from the very appropriately named 1979 song “Pressure,” by the Kinks. In the same album (Low Budget), the line “Nervous tension, man's invention/is the biggest killer that's around…

No Spitting: Crossroads

If you’ve never taken a philosophy course or have never watched The Matrix or The Truman Show, or have never really thought that your life is out of your control, you may have never thought about free will and you are totally…

No Spitting: Empathy

I am not a dog. I am not a slug. Not a tiger or a mouse. I am not a tree. I am not what we would call an animal or a plant. I am a human-being. Being a human has plenty of perks: we can open cans with our cool thumbs, we cook things not…
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