Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Vet the Met: Narratives of Settler Colonialism

It has become a long-standing tradition for me to visit the Met whenever I am in NYC, so when I found myself in NYC this past Thanksgiving weekend, I thought it only natural to plan a visit. Leading up to the day, I noticed that instead of

Framing Wellness: Systemic Denial

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, communities worldwide have experienced the emergence of a dire mental health crisis. As a result, severe repercussions have taken place, which involves surges in rates of depression,

Standing in Solidarity With AAPI

The senseless murders that took place in Atlanta last week are not unique nor are they a singular event to the violence experienced by the Asian community in the United States. What happened should not come as a surprise to anyone,
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