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Security Blotter (4/12-4/18)
April 12, 2018 4:00 PM Drug policy violation in Lee Hall.
April 12, 2018 11:55 PM Ill student on corner of East Main and College Street in need of assistance getting back to campus. Alcohol involved.
April 13, 2018 2:30 AM Two intoxicated…
St. Lawrence Student Art of the Week – April 15th, 2018
St. Lawrence University has many talented artists that you might not know about. Each week, The Hill News will publish the Art of the Week on our website so you can see what your creative Laurentians are up to. To submit your work or to…
St. Lawrence Student Art of the Week – April 8th 2018
St. Lawrence University has many talented artists that you might not know about. Each week, The Hill News will publish the Art of the Week on our website so you can see what your creative Laurentians are up to. To submit your work or to…
See-Through Dorm Rooms for Evangelical College Students
On Monday, the Bob Jones University in South Carolina announced that they would be installing see-through glass residential rooms for all students in residence dormitories. The administration made this decision…
Preliminary Climate Survey Shows Campus Discrimination Non-Existent
In an astounding turn of events, the office of Diversity and Inclusion reported that a preliminary report of the campus climate survey showed that discrimination at St. Lawrence University was virtually non-existent.
St. Lawrence Student Art of the Week – March 26th, 2018
St. Lawrence University has many talented artists that you might not know about. Each week, The Hill News will publish the Art of the Week on our website so you can see what your creative Laurentians are up to. To submit your work or to…
Vine Theme House Recruiting New Members
Hi, welcome to Chili’s! Are you 19 and never learned how to read? Looking for something to wake you up inside? Want to join a community that shares your love for freshavocado? The new vine theme-house—SLU Vines Undergrad, or SVU— would be a…