Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Zest in a vest with John Robert

To start off, we’d love to learn a little about you. Where are you from? How did you get involved in Student life? I’m originally from Maine, so I actually grew up in a town smaller than Canton. I went to college in Boston. I thought…

Small Business Saturday in the NOCO

By AMANDA KORB STAFF WRITER For many, Black Friday carries either a negative or a positive connotation, but not both. Last year, about 141 million consumers took advantage of the day’s famous deals, with the average customer…

New Hospital in the Works

Sierra Miller On Wednesday October 29th St. Lawrence Health System bought a parcel of land in the Town of Canton for a new hospital building. This 270-acre farm land is the location for a three-phase plan to provide more space and…

Let’s Talk About it: Race at SLU

A series of racist Yik Yak posts angered some students on campus earlier this fall,. Known for its often controversial messages, Yik Yak is a site where members can post anonymously to people nearby. “Under the cloak of anonymity,…

Fraternity Gets the “X”

By: Emma Hennesay STAFF WRITER A fraternity at the University of Wisconsin has been suspended and is pending investigation by the school and its national organization after accusations that female guests were marked with color-coded Xs on…
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