Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

SLU Plague Returns, Laurentians Beware

By David Kunin Students this week struggled to stay healthy. Sore throats and stomach viruses plagued St. Lawrence, forcing many to stay home in bed. The coughing and sniffling heard during lectures has been undeniable. It took…

SLU Swelters Through September Heat Wave

High spirits typically characterize the start of the new academic year.  This year it was high temperatures. After breezing through syllabus week, the campus-wide optimism of the new semester was quickly undone by a vicious heat wave.  …

Rugby Fights for Adequate Fields to Play On

Players and fans braved the heavy winds and snowy conditions Sunday for the SLU Rugby Team’s spring opener against Champlain College.  Though the game ended in a 7-7 tie, the event was a major on-field success.  Many believe this is the…
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