Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Freestyle Lentils


Hey, all you veggie freaks. My name is Sam Voter ’25, providing you with the most fire lentil recipe you can imagine. On the edge of your seat? Good! Stay there because first I am going to tell you a little bit about myself.  

I am a senior living in the Greenhouse, majoring in Environmental Studies with minors in Digital Media & Film and Outdoor Studies. I have lived in the Ghaus since my sophomore year, and it has opened a world of opportunities and interests to me that I never could have imagined. I have made meaningful connections with my past and present housemates, but what I find so unique about this house is our connection to the Canton community with all its wacky, weird, amazing people! Better yet, we have a lot of fun, cook amazing food for the campus to enjoy, and we aren’t afraid to get weird! Sound good? Then you should APPLY!!! Our applications are LIVE from now until Feb. 23. You can find a link to our application in our Instagram bio (@SLUGreenhouse) or you can stop by our lovely home to grab one.  

Now it’s time for what you are all here for. LENTILS!!! I am writing this having just finished the dishes from my cooking shift with Maddy Haines ’25 and Lucy Albrecht ’27, so these lentils are fresh on my mind. This recipe was totally off the dome so don’t be afraid to improvise! Here are the deets: 


  • Onions: more the merrier  
  • Garlic: more the merrier  
  • Lentils: I used three cups, but I was also cooking for 18 people so plan accordingly 
  • Some type of green thing: Can be broccoli, kale, chard, whatever! This recipe is a “throw it all in” type thing, so I used the discarded stems of kale. 
  • Veggie broth (w/ water): The water-lentil ratio is 2-1 so plan accordingly 
  • Another veggie? Whatever!! Just throw it in!! 
  • Spices: Garlic powder, onion powder, cumin, salt (not too much because broth is salty), black pepper, thyme, bay leaves, (some spiciness?), and literally whatever the fuck else you want.  


Big pan. Get that thing hot and lather it with olive oil. Add onions and, just as they begin to get brown, add the garlic. Cook for about five more minutes and then add all your greens! At this point, you can put in a little bit of water to boil stuff, but it is not required (I did this by accident, but it worked out). Cook until everything is a little soft and add your lentils on top. Throw in your veggie broth to the correct ratio of lentils, add all spices, put a lid on, and let it simmer! It’ll take 20-30 minutes for the lentils to cook. For this last 5-10 minutes, you can add some tomato juice and let it boil down without a lid for some extra flavor. Then, enjoy!! 

Peace, Luv and Veggies,  

The Greenhouse 

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