Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Winners and Losers of the 2019 Grammys


Winner: Change.


It is only fitting that the first rap song to ever win “Best Song” at the Grammys did so by refining the elements that hip-hop has been heavily criticized for over the years.

Childish Gambino’s “This is America” is a statement on race and class in this country, a record that made waves as soon as it was released along with its jarring music video last summer.

While it does not provide the anger that was a staple of 80’s gangster rap, or the endorsement of violence that came along in the 2000’s, it is just as graphic, going so far as to have multiple people shot dead in the music video.

Where Gambino succeeded is in the songs versatility. It is possible for one to pore over every bit of symbolism in the lyrics, just as it is possible for the song to be played at a family barbecue.

He understands that while it is necessary to make profound statements as an artist, there is nothing requiring the listener to pay attention. However, a crafty hook, a wide variety of contributions from some of the best artists in the game and a beautifully done music video are more than enough to get people to tune in


Loser: Manners.


In cutting Drake off while he was accepting his award for best rap song, the Grammys were able to do what few have been able to do in the last few years: silence Drake.

The Canadian rapper has become one of the worlds biggest stars, and it seems that the only thing that can stop him is a cranky TV producer who wants desperately to go to commercial. Upon realizing their mistake, the Grammys offered Drake the opportunity to finish his speech, but he was too busy being an international sensation to be bothered.


Winner: Disappointing Your Parents.


Everyone desires the approval of their parents, and Michelle Obama is no exception. After her surprise appearance at the Grammys, which was met with great excitement, she found out her mom did not watch it.

Her mother then proceeded to ask if Obama had met any “real stars” in a text exchange that Obama shared on Instagram.

It seems that no matter how successful and powerful a person becomes, they will still have to work to impress mom and dad.


Loser: Controversy.


The Grammys went off without a real hitch last weekend, proving that it is possible to conduct an awards show nowadays without firing the host for homophobic comments or failing to nominate any African American artists. That event, which shall not be named, takes place next week, and could stand to take a few notes from the Grammys on how to keep the pot unstirred.

All groups were well represented at the Grammys, with Gambino winning best song, and Alicia Keys bringing an infectious enthusiasm to the hosting role. She moved the audience with her positivity, making sure to praise the greatness of the nominees any chance she had.

All in all, it was a great year for music, and the Grammys was a great event to cap it off.

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