Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

SLU PAC Brings Entertainment to Campus


It’s challenging to find ways to stay entertained during a pandemic semester, especially with the Laurentian Pact restrictions and the state of the world around us. There just aren’t many safe and creative outlets available to students right now. And that’s where the SLU Performance Arts Collective (PAC) events come in. 

SLU PAC is a club that was created by the Arts Annex, one of the on-campus theme houses, and provides an outlet for performance students to showcase their talents, through whichever outlet they wish to. Since the creation of SLU PAC, the organization has put on several events such as “Stoop Shows,” Open Mic Nights, and various other performances. While some forms of entertainment are hard to replicate in the midst of a pandemic, such as the usual campus shenanigans: Fall Fest, Thursday night Java Shows, and the infamous Halloween Tent party with performances, SLU PAC has done a fantastic job of providing students with opportunities to perform and also come together in a safe and enjoyable environment. 

With the restrictions in place this semester, SLU PAC has been creative with the events that the organization has hosted: all the events are hosted outside, participants must wear masks, and everyone practices safe social distancing (as we all should)! Even though we’re only halfway through the semester, they’ve already put on a wide variety of events; there’s been Open Mic at the Whitman Fire Pit, Creamsicles and Rex Orange County listening sessions in T Lot, Stoop Shows, and folklore and Charcuterie boards. 

These events range in variety and appeal to everyone! There are karaoke nights for those who want to sing their heart out, the Stoop Shows for those who want to listen to performances, charcuterie boards for those who have an obsession with cheese (me!), and even seasonal events, such as the one coming up. 

With Halloween coming up, there’s been speculation about what it will look like. Will people dress up? Will there be the usual excitement in there? Should I start shopping for my Pitbull costume and purchase that bald cap or will Halloween not be happening? It’s been hard to muster up the enthusiasm but as usual, SLU PAC has an event lined up to get people excited and in the mood for the spooky season. On October 18, SLU PAC will be hosting “Trunk or Treat” at 4:30 in T-Lot and are inviting people to come enjoy Halloween Music and Candy. 

SLU PAC has done an exceptional job with hosting events that cater to everyone’s interests while also ensuring that guidelines are followed and that everyone stays safe! While a lot of things have come to a screeching halt this semester and there are events that we’re unable to participate in, it’s nice to have something going on every week that students can still look forward to. And if you want to stay updated with the events, I would recommend following SLU PAC’s Instagram account and keeping up with the fun stuff they have planned for the semester. 

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