Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Witty Wick




   If there is one thing to take away from John Wick it is never hurt John Wick’s (Keanu Reeves) puppy, which was the last gift his wife gave him before she died. Also his car. Do not touch it. Ever. Or else. Unfortunately for Russian mob boss Viggo Tarasov (Michael Nyqvist) that is just what his son Iosef (Alfie Allen, known to the world as Theon Greyjoy from Game of Thrones) does. Poor Iosef did not know that Wick used to be an assassin named the Boogeyman who worked for his father. Now Viggo must wage a violent war to protect his son from a very upset Wick who is fresh from retirement, still has friends in the New York underworld, and  can reportedly kill a pack of thugs with a pencil.

     While his father works hard to protect him, Iosef spends most of the movie running away from the vengeful Wick who beats up or kills basically everyone Iosef knows. So begins John Wick, an unexpectedly exciting film that feels like a long lost 90’s action blockbuster. Reeves, who is 50 but looks like he just finished filming Speed or The Matrix, gives a solid performance as the title character, and Nyqvist is splendid as the villain, Viggo. Dean Winters even drops in to play Viggo’s underboss, Avi, a character who looks like he’ would be more comfortable in an internet café than a shootout or car chase.

  The story moves along well, balancing banter with bullets and keeping the movie’s pace fast but not fanatical. The action scenes are excellently filmed, including one especially tense fight scene in a night club that feels like it was reimagined from Collateral. Reeves makes his well choreographed hand-to-hand fight scenes look cool, even though it has been 15 years since his Matrix debut. One of the film’s subtle strong points is its lack of CGI. The action sequences feel more like an 80’s or 90’s pulp film without it, making the film feel both more realistic and more like the entertainment of a bygone period in Hollywood.

  The question now is how long will it take for the Wick franchise to be announced. Given the critical and financial success of the film, probably not too long. After all, people still paid to see the Taken trilogy (the trailer for the third one runs during the previews for John Wick, of course). Will anyone complain about another revenge/action franchise? Not if they are as entertaining as this film.

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