Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Happy Daze: Technology Use and Moderation in Our Everyday Lives


 From the changes to our curriculums about the advancement in AI text generators to the rise of social media users worldwide, we have all seen how technology use has altered our reality. It seems to have seeped into every facet of our lives, leaving us with the age-old question: is technology beneficial or harmful to humankind? 

It is easy to identify issues with the rise of technology: polarization due to calculated algorithms, exposure and desensitization to extreme events, circulation of disinformation, deteriorating mental and physical health, continued dependency on smart devices- the list goes on and on. These are legitimate concerns, as digital life can come with deep issues. 

However, there are many benefits to using technology. Currently, we know more about what is going on in the world than ever before. We also have access to more opinions and can interact with more people than ever before. While technology seems to be “taking over,” it also allowed us to connect safely during the COVID-19 pandemic. It helps us communicate across 

languages and borders and has improved many fields, such as healthcare, education and more. 

Many technological fields have the philosophy of a “trade-off” in the digital era. In a nutshell, it is the stance that humans have become dependent on technology for simple things like GPS that they would otherwise know off the top of their heads, but this is a trade-off as it “frees up space” for humans to engage in other forms of thinking that allow for advancement. In theory, this makes sense, but is there a point where this dependency hinders or disadvantages us? 

A study done by Reid Health found that “people can develop addictive behaviors with smartphones and social media” and can even crave it. “If these behaviors progress to interfere with everyday life, it is cause for concern.” Now, some of us cannot imagine a life without technology as we grew up with technology, while others might feel at peace without their devices. One thing is for certain: technology is not going anywhere. So, how can one engage in wellness while using technology? 

Be intentional about your use of technology and the internet. Think about why you are using it and set goals on what you want to accomplish with your screen time. Something as simple as looking at what my friends are up to on social media can mean the difference between not doom scrolling. 

Moderation is key! A study done by CNN Health stated that “the average screen time for adults in the United States landed at 11 hours per day” but rose to a whopping 19 hours per day during the lockdown. Experts say outside of work or school, an adult should only get two hours of screen time daily. That being said, everyone’s lifestyle is different, so experiment with what works for you! However, you should try and set time limits, if possible, to give your mind and body a break. 

Lastly, challenge yourself. It is okay to rely on technology sometimes; we all do it. What is important is that you still challenge yourself outside of technology use and can sit with your thoughts. Be mindful if you are using your phone every time you are bored or get a meal alone. Instead, try just being; we don’t have to be constantly doing something! Take in the present moment and invite yourself to experience the world without a filter. Remember, technology is a tool, and like any tool, we must use it responsibly. By being intentional, practicing moderation, and challenging ourselves to exist outside of the digital world, we can form deeper connections with the tangible world around us and cultivate a healthier relationship with technology!

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