Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

The Left Needs a Reminder About Tolerance

Photo via Wikimedia Commons Last week, Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos tried to speak at UC Berkeley, only to be shut down by violent protesting and rioting. Although I disagree with about 99.9% of everything he says, completely…

An Efficient Solution to Meal Plans

Photo courtesy of University Communications Efforts are currently underway to drastically reform meal plans for St. Lawrence students. The present plan only covers 70% of meals for the semester if a student eats entirely at Dana. In…

Appleton Arena Needs More Student Seats

Photo Credit: University Communications At the last Saints hockey game I attended versus Cornell, the student section was fired up and dressed for the whiteout themed night. As I sat in one of the jammed- packed rows, I noticed a…

GOP wishes for Voting Requirement

With the most under-qualified and racist candidate, Donald Trump, in a substantial lead in the Republican primary polls, the establishment Republicans are probably wishing that there was a college education requirement to vote in the…

Radio Silence From Thelmo

The latest Thelomathesian Society contingency request will have a very noticeable impact on campus culture, yet few students know about this significant approved proposal entails. Over $2,000 was requested to install the outdoor…

Out of Touch, Or Flawed Culture?

The University of Alabama’s Alpha Phi Sorority came under scrutiny within the first month of the Fall 2015 semester. The sorority made a recruitment ad that attracted attention on a national scale. The ad’s portrayal of the sorority was…
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