
Matt Thibault 25 posts 0 comments
Matt Thibault ‘19 is the Opinions Editor of the Hill News. He is an English and Psychology double major. He spent the past 3 years as a staff writer, mostly for opinions. His most common subjects have often dealt with the navigation of politics and the law, as well as international incidents. He is a member of the Track and Field team, and spends his spare time trying to juggle all of his responsibilities, well, responsibly. He has a sister who is also a senior (Hi Maddie) and two dogs, a bulldog and a corgi.
Answer these questions as fast as you can.
How many presidents have served since George Washington?
How many were, or are, diagnosed with dementia?
How many Presidents are buried in the United States national cemetery?
Where and…
An Authoritarian Alignment: Trump’s Wistful Wish for Power
Donald Trump is a lot of things. I’ve written a lot about him in the past, none of it positive, so I’m not going to wax poetic about how much I don’t like him, what he’s done, or the direction in which he’s leading this country. That’s what…
Don’t Treat Gun Stores Like Planned Parenthood
In the wake of yet another mass shooting in the United States, where the weapon of choice is an AR-15 assault rifle, we are left reeling yet again from senseless tragedy, anger, and calls to action from one side of the aisle against the…
The Curious Case of Malcolm Butler
This past week’s Super Bowl was one that many people will remember for years to come. For some, they’ll remember it as the day that the Eagles won their first Super Bowl in franchise history: the day that two offenses geared up, threw down,…
North Korea: The Big Feud Between Leaders Deepens
Donald Trump, president of the United States, and Kim Jong Un, dictator of North Korea, are engaged in a pissing contest of epic proportions. Each leader has spent the past week hurling insults at the other, from Trump’s “Rocket Man”…
Catalexit?: The Fight for a Referendum in Spain
On October 1, the Spain we know today, as well as the EU, could see a major shake-up. The Government of Catalonia- which is the wealthiest state in Spain and home to cities such as Barcelona- plans to vote on whether or not to become an…
District Attorney Under Scrutiny in NoCo
Photo via North Country Public Radio
As of this Tuesday, the trial that is the culmination of years of investigative efforts began. It is the murder trial of Oral “Nick” Hillary, where he is accused of strangling Garrett Phillips, the…
Apple Vs. the Federal Government
In the wake of the San Bernardino shooting, and the subsequent investigation that followed, Apple was asked to help with one of the shooter’s phones. The phone was locked, with the passcode unknown, so the government demanded that Apple…