Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Career Corner: Take the Anxiety Out of Interview With TalkMeUp


This week, we’re conducting interviews with students for On-Campus Internship Program (OCIP) positions here at the CCE. I’ve been impressed with the students we’ve met with so far – they’ve been well-prepared, did a great job answering our questions, and posed some great questions of their own. But I could also tell that some of them were a little bit nervous.

It’s perfectly normal to be nervous for a job interview. And let’s be honest, the stakes only get higher as you move from interviews for on-campus jobs to interviews for summer internships, and eventually, interviews for full-time jobs.

The best way to get better at anything is to do the thing you’re trying to get better at doing. Gaining experience in interview situations and receiving feedback on how you can better communicate your skills and abilities will help give you confidence to perform at your best.

And while interviewing for on-campus jobs is great practical experience (and, if you land a position, a great way to get real-life experience that you can talk about in future interviews), there are only so many opportunities to get those on-campus interviews.

So how else can you gain that experience and get that feedback? If you have an upcoming interview for a job or internship, you can make an “Interview Preparation” appointment with one of our career coaches in Handshake. But if even that gives you a pit in your stomach and you want to get some practice before you get in front of a real live human, you should visit

TalkMeUp is an AI-powered smart coach that enables you to master the most crucial driver of business success: communication. The platform can help you prepare for an interview, gain confidence in your communication skills, and even help you negotiate your salary. After a guided process which offers tips and information, users on TalkMeUp can record answers to prompts and get detailed feedback on the composition of their answer, their voice modulation, body language, eye contact and more.

Many companies now require applicants to record answers to interview questions as part of the application process, all recorded on your computer’s camera. Getting experience answering questions to an audience that will view your answers at a later date, all through your computer screen, could be a differentiator in your application!

The best part? St. Lawrence students get access to TalkMeUp for FREE!

Visit and click on the “Login” button, then click “Login with SSO” and enter “” in the organization domain to gain access to the platform. You can also scan the QR code below to watch a YouTube video to learn more about this incredible resource.

If you’re feeling anxiety about interviews, tackle it head on! Get some practice, either with one of our career coaches, or with TalkMeUp, and you’ll be feeling more confident in no time!

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