Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Theme House Corner: The Women’s Resource Center (The DUB)


When I think of my house, I think of porch swinging, Java strutting and Dana sitting. I think of stimulating conversations, empowered women and fierce advocates. I think lovingly of laughs had, struggles shared and progress made. My home is the Dub – that little blue house at 3 University Ave.

The Dub, formally known as the Women’s Resource Center, has many reputations on campus, some good and some… not so good. For many, the Dub provides solace, support and empowerment. The mission of the Dub is to empower all individuals and educate the campus collectively on gender-related issues.   

The Dub promotes sex positivity and supports safe sexual practices by providing information and contraceptive resources. The Dub serves as a safe space for survivors of sexual violence (almost all members of the Dub are Advocates-trained). The Dub facilitates discussion, advocacy and activism regarding relevant feminist issues. It is a space where many people share ideas, build relationships and express themselves freely.

Some people dislike the Dub simply because they don’t like feminism or women who challenge social norms. Negative ideologies swirl about the strong and unapologetic women of the Dub like they will swirl about any socially controversial organization. In my opinion, feminism isn’t and shouldn’t be controversial, but some people still meet the Dub and its mission with resistance.

However, some criticisms of the Dub are much more valid. The Dub has long retained a reputation as a “White feminist” house, where mostly straight, White women have the privilege to feel safe and empowered in the space. But what about other women? How can the Dub create more inclusive spaces? How can it expand its discourse to include the intricate and varied experiences of all women and all genders?

These are important criticisms that the 11 women of the house constantly try to address. It is important for a theme house with such a strong mission to create inclusive dialogue and a welcoming space for all.  We want to do better. We will do better. And we demand campus as a whole to hold us accountable.

A run-down of what the Dub does on campus:

Weekly Dub Club (Tuesdays from 7-8 p.m. on the second floor of Atwood): a discussion group in which a new feminist topic is discussed each week in an open conversation style. All are welcome to participate freely or come to listen.

Doin’ It with the Dub Workshops: activities held at various points throughout the semester, such as self-care and feminist sticker-making.

Take Back the Night: The Dub’s most important event each semester. A service in which survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence share their stories in an effort to support survivors and shatter the silence.

The Dub also offers free condoms at our house, as well as Plan B coupons and other sexual health resources.

Is the Dub just for women? Of course not! All genders are welcome and encouraged to participate in all of our events. If you are interested in joining our Listserv, please e-mail also have a Women’s Resource Center Facebook page where we post all of our events. We hope to see you there!

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