Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

“Fuller House” Season Three Dissapoints

Season three of “Fuller House” premiered on Netflix last Friday. However, if you are like me, you have already binge watched the mere nine episodes released. In a way, it was good Netflix only decided to have a small number of episodes this…

When Expecting: A “Fuller House”

Surprisingly, while studying abroad, I have had an ample amount of time to binge watch Netflix, in between “studying” and drinking an excessive amount of Copenhagen coffee. Specifically, I have been binge watching (again) “Fuller House”…

Springfest Fashion

By, Sarh Richer Break out your favorite jerseys, Hawaiian shirts, crop tops, flowy shorts, flash tattoos, and rompers. That is right, Saints, Springfest is almost here! While you have been planning your drinks for the day so you can…

The “Power” of pepsi

By, Sarah Richer Kendall Jenner is one of Pepsi’s newest celebrity endorsers. She made her debut as representative in a new ad that supports the company’s new campaign, “Live for Now.” Jenner is not the first celebrity to support the…

Trump Adds Snapchat to His List of Bans

Take as many pup-filtered selfies as you can while you can! On March 24, Snapchat announced that it would longer have filters as a feature on the app due to a government order by President Trump. This order came after a heated snap streak…

50 Shades Darker

Photo via pinterest If you are a 50 Shades of Grey movie fan, do not get your hopes up for the sequel, 50 Shades Darker. The film basically has no plot and is an excuse to show sex on the big screen. I guess if that is what you…

A Summer of Bad Moms and Cursed Children

Photo via Honestly, who did not miss St. Lawrence this summer? If you say that you did not, you are either lying or were one of the lucky few that got to spend the summer on campus having one of the amazing internships…
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