Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Amy Schumer bares all for Annie Leibovitz’s 2016 Pirelli Calender


This is the quotation that accompanied Amy Schumer’s latest Instagram and Twitter posts.

The stand-up comedian, writer, actress, and producer recently participated in a photo shoot for Annie Leibovitz for the 2016 Pirelli Calendar.

For the 43rd edition, Leibovitz wanted to do something a little different. Instead of featuring the classic pin-up poses from some of the world’s best known sex symbols, Leibovitz wanted to feature some of the world’s most distinguished women, turning the focus to those who are known for more than just their looks.

Along with Schumer, there are twelve other models, including Serena Williams, Fran Leibovitz, Patti Smith, Yao Chen, to name a few. The focus of the calendar is no longer on nudity, but instead features these women mostly clothed.

Despite the different focus this year, Schumer still posed mostly nude. Leibovitz commented to the NY Magazine, laughing, “I’m a great admirer of comediennes. The Amy Schumer portrait added some fun. It’s as if she didn’t get the memo saying that she could keep her clothes on.”

Schumer’s photo depicts her in nothing but a pair of underwear and stilettos, choosing to conceal her nipples with her arms rather than the rolls on her stomach that arise from her leaning forward holding a latte.

This photo has been labeled as a gorgeous and powerful photo. Commenting on her image, Schumer said, “I never felt more beautiful.”

Not only does this photo give Schumer an empowering sexual confidence, but it is also sending a radical message, says Kevin Fallon in his article on The Daily Beast. The message Fallon speaks of is one promoting that we are all our fiercest champions, but we are also our biggest critics.

This message is one that has been heard time and time again. Larger than a size zero, body image is a constant struggle in Schumer’s life that she has spoken about on numerous occasions in her struggle embrace and celebrate her body confidence.

The picture has received overwhelming support from fans on social media. Schumer has received multitudes of tweets, some calling her their spirit animal and others thanking her for being unapologetically who she is.

Leibowitz really hit the nail ontheheadwiththe2016Pirelli Calendar which is predicted to result in a cultural shift due to the digression from the typically sexual calendars.

Like many of her other works, Leibowitz continues to push the boundaries and excite audiences with her inspiring photography

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