Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University



You are in a packed stadium full of eager girls waiting to see their favorite ginger pop star. The tensions build as the crowds grow louder, and you just stand there imagining what it will be like to finally see him in person. Ed Sheeran. Your idol. The one person who you would spend months scouting for a ticket to see, just for a few hours – just to hear his magical voice.

But this dream was unable to become a reality for countless fans. Ed Sheeran was in an accident last Monday, October 16, and had to take a step back from his tour in order to avoid permanent damage to his arms. With a broken arm, and another broken wrist (not to mention a broken rib), Sheeran had to cancel an entire portion of his tour in order to rest.

According to an interview he had with Jonathon Ross, the accident occurred while he was riding a bicycle to a pub. He fell down a hill, and just got right back up and continued to the pub. It was not until he woke up early the next morning that he realized he was in pain, and went to the hospital.

In addition to discussing his accident, Sheeran also indulged the temptations involved in the life of fame. Of course, we all hear of the wild, drug-filled gallivanting of the rich and famous, but Sheeran says that it is a real hardship he has faced since becoming famous.

“It all starts off as a party, and then you’re doing it on your own and it’s not,” Sheeran explained in the interview. It was at this point that he said he had a wake-up call, and realized the slippery slop he had gone down.

Sheeran said that it was work and that it was his girlfriend who got him back on the right track. “I focused on work and I can’t work under the influence,” he said in the interview. “I can’t write songs under the influence, I can’t perform under the influence, so the more I worked the less that happened.”

Underway for recovery, both mentally and physically it would seem, Ed Sheeran will be temporarily out of commission. Fans need not worry, though, as he will be back and healthier than ever in no time.

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